Choosing The Right Estate Agent

Whether you’re a first-time seller, or a dab hand at moving, the process of selling is always a stressful experience. Hiring an estate agent to help you sell can relieve some of this pressure, but, how do you hire the right estate agent? We’ve put together a few tips to help you make the right choice…

Compare Online

One of the best ways to find an estate agent is to search your local area for verified estate agents online. You can compare reviews, testimonials, and stats, to guide you toward the best estate agent. One thing you should look out for is the way estate agents reply to both positive and negative feedback, as this can tell you a lot about their attitude. 

Ask Around

A referral from a friend or family member can be a great way to narrow down your search. According to Zillow's research, more than one in five sellers find their agent via a referral from a friend, relative, neighbour or colleague. 

Check out the Local Housing Market

If you have some free time, driving around your local area can give you a great idea of which estate agents are doing well. Look for ‘for sale’ signs, and even better, look for ‘sold’ signs, as this will show you which estate agents are getting listings and selling homes. 

Go to an Open House

Visiting a few open houses and interacting with some estate agents will give you a chance to get a feel for their personalities. Make an effort to chat with them and keep an eye out for personality and professional chemistry. 

Meet With at Least Three Agents

Even if they seem great, never go with the first agent you meet. Talk with multiple agents so you can compare and find the one you think is the best fit. Think of it like a job interview, you want to ask them all the same questions and compare their responses to see who comes out on top. 

Ask the Right Questions

Some of the questions you might want to ask are…

  • How long have they been an estate agent
  • Do they work more with sellers or buyers
  • How many active clients do they have at the moment
  • How will they market your home
  • Can they put you in contact with some references

Agree on the Important Details

The best estate agent-seller relationships are those that have clearly defined expectations. Make sure you agree, in writing, what the commission structure is, how much your house will be listed for, and how long the contract is (ie. what happens if your home hasn’t sold after a period of time? 

Looking for an Agent?

If you’re looking for an estate agent, get in touch so we can match you with one in your local area. 

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